Lincoln’s Store and Post Office

Southville’s old depot has had a long and storied history, first as a train station, then as a store, and currently as a residence on the corner of Parkerville and Southville Roads. Rather than tell you the history myself, I thought I would let you read this charming account from an undated newspaper article from sometime in the late 40’s, judging by the clothes worn in the pictures. The simple serenity that once was Lincoln Square seems almost impossible to imagine today. To step back to another time, simply click the images below to enlarge and enjoy!

(Note: the file sizes are large, so be patient on slow connections.)


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5 Replies to “Lincoln’s Store and Post Office”

  1. This is great Michael–we should post a picture of the house now, can we do that? It would be great to bring awareness to the community. Another treasure found and shared.

      1. Wow after all these years, I just stumbled across this article brings back old memories. This was my family store. My mother was Priscilla Rose Lincoln Laird, my grandparents Howard and Alene Lincoln ran the store fond memories growing up there walking distance from our home located at 8 Pearl st.

        1. Omg!!! I believe that we grew up together. I lived across the street in the corner house.
          I hope that you’re well. 😊

  2. Great! Great! Great!

    I’d love to do a local TV program n some of these sites–drawing attention both to the sites and to the SHS.
    Donna McD.

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