The downstairs Long Gallery, complete with two spectacular display cases donated by St. Marks, just waiting for the first exhibition.
 Our brand new archives room, complete with a set of 25 filing cabinets free from the State’s surplus goods program! Thanks to Dr. Cynthia Koch and our state reps for directing us to this program! For the first time in our history we have all our archives together in one climate controlled space! |
 The original Ars-Nouveau ticket window, restored to its full glory. |

The map room, which will be used for meetings, classes, and small private functions, chronicles the progress of Southborough through period maps dating from the 1600s to the 1960s.
The second floor assembly room, awaiting its first lecture. Two remarkable things here: the first is that the podium, which we found on Southborough Cares and Shares (thank you Catherine!) and had restored, was actually part of the original furnishings of Fayville Hall! It has now returned home after 100 years. The second thing is the chairs—10K worth—more free goodies from the state. Now how often do you get anything free from the State of Massachusetts???!!
The downstairs classroom takes shape. |
 The restored grand staircase. The antique chandelier in the picture has unfortunately had to come down awaiting a decision on its grounding status. We’ve had to request a review of the fire code from the state, but hopefully things will fall in our favor.
As things advance, so sometimes do they regress. One day after the installation of our historically accurate front steps, our new building inspector has decided they don’t meet code—despite his two predecessors and our structural engineer having previously approved them. He wants us to rip them out to the tune of 35K. Obviously we plan to appeal, and we are one of many such complaints currently in front of the Select Board.
The library off the assembly room, awaiting its finishes. The sconces over the fireplaces are stuck in the same electrical limbo as the main chandelier, hopefully to be resolved in January. This room will be outfitted with book shelves, and used for small classes, private events, and also as a green room for speakers and performers before lectures and concerts. The table is drop-leaf, 300 year old English walnut, and can be easily reconfigured into multiple room set ups.
The new back stairs. Quite the difference from the same view below taken May 2023!
Yet some things remain the same. Elevator, elevator, where for art thou? |
Thanks to the Historical Society for standing up for historical preservation and saving this building.