Good Omens for the New Year: National Register District Status Approved!

We are DEE-lighted, DEE-lighted to announce that as of the 29th of December, Southborough’s Downtown district, and all the structures nominated therein, are now listed the National Register of Historic Places. This has been a ten-year effort, championed by our dear departed friend, the late Kate Matison, who, I am sure, is smiling down from above. Congratulations to all involved, in particular to our good friends at the Southborough Historical Commission who helped push this through.

And in another good omen, the racist and white supremacist  battle flags that flew over the January 6th capital insurrection and that our Board of Selectmen voted last spring to maintain in the Old Burial Ground—despite a petition signed by 300 (!!!) individuals here in town—have mysteriously disappeared, poles and all!


I would like to believe that more rational heads prevailed at Town Hall, but for whatever reason they are gone, and should be gone for good, as the Old Burial Ground is now on the National Register and flying such flags is against federal guidelines. Should they re-appear, a citizens’ petition to have them permanently banned certainly would be on the agenda for the next Town Meeting, and would most certainly pass.

And finally, don’t forget that December and January is our annual appeal! Please consider giving generously. Just click the button below to donate safely and easily online, or mail a check to 25 Common Street, Southborough, MA 01772





5 Replies to “Good Omens for the New Year: National Register District Status Approved!”

  1. Au contraire,, mon cher Jacques: by remembering our mistakes, we don’t make them twice. Happy New Year to you and your good wife! M

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